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Waiting for the train


Travel by Train


Last year, I traveled to Beijing by train. It was very fast. I like travel by train, because I like the feeling in the train. Besides, I can enjoy the scenery on the way. However, after the journey last week, I don't want to travel by train anymore, because it is too tired to have fun. It took me sixteen hours on the train. I was very tired and I had to spend a day to have a good rest. And it was boring on the train. Therefore, I think it should not travel by train if it's far.

去年我坐火车到北京旅游。火车速度很快。我喜欢坐火车去旅行,因为我喜欢在火车上的感觉。除此之外,我还可以享受沿途的风景。但是,上个星期的旅程过后我就再也不想坐火车了,因为我累得不能好好玩。我在 火车上度过了十六小时。我觉得很累,不得不花一天时间休息。而且火车上很无聊。所以,我觉得路途遥远的话就不要坐火车旅行。


1. 对待晚上来的那些火车工人,他并不多浪费精力,但他似乎在等待比德韦尔镇的年轻小伙子和姑娘的到来,为他们表演拿手戏。

He did not waste much of his ammunition on the railroad men he served at night but seemed to be waiting for a young man or woman from Bidwell to come in to show what he could do.

2. 或 如果你想知道一年的时间有多重要你可以去问一问那些没有通过考试的学生如果你想知道一个月的时间有多重要你可以去问一问早产的妈妈如果你想知道一个星期的时间有多重要你可以去问一问周刊的编辑如果你想知道一个小时有多重要你可以去问一问焦急等待的情侣如果你想知道一分钟的时间有多重要你可以去问一问延误了火车的人如果你想知道一秒钟的有多重要你可以去问一问幸好躲过飞来横祸的人如果你想知道一微秒的时间有多重要你可以去问一问在奥运会上夺得银牌的选手珍惜你所拥有的`每一刻昨天已成过去未来还是未知现在却是上天给于我们实现理想的礼物这就是我们为什么把它称作礼物的原因

Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!!

3. 有许多人毫无目的地来回走动,等待着看火车是否会更开。

There were a lot of people milling around outside the stations waiting to see if the trains would start running again.

4. 罗伯特把他的旅行皮包送到火车站,付清旅馆的账单,便在面向大海的石头阳台上往来蹀躞,等待着火车发车。

Robert sent his portmanteau to the station, paid his bill, and walked up and down the stone terrace fronting the sea, waiting for the starting of the train.

5. 11月04日,我踏上了南方的火车,经过26小时的漫长的等待,我终于到达了我的目的地-成都。

November 4, I set foot on a train in the South, 26 hours after the long wait, I finally reached my destination - Chengdu.

6. 我只是在消磨时间,等待火车进站。

I'm just whiling away my time, waiting for the train to come in.

7. 等待开往哈弗尔港的火车进站,亲切地和摄影师聊天。

They are waiting for the train to Le Havre, chitchatting with the photographers, looking wide-eyed into the lens.

8. 然后返回码头,等待第二次火车从洛杉矶港口,以落客的车辆,并采取这些领域的卸载也。

Then return to the terminal and wait for a second train from the Port of Los Angeles to drop-off it's cars and take those to the unloading area, too.

9. 当火车正在进入车站的时候,你只能在这条黄线的后面等待。

While the train is coming into the station, you can only wait in back of the yellow line.

10. 但是她实际并没有下车去躺下在青草中,那怕是当火车走向高高的山路,在火车时间表上都没有名字的小站上以外地停下来,那儿的小旅馆,它的名字都看得清清楚楚,正敞开大门在等待着她,而她也从来没有离开过火车一步。

But she never got off the train to lie down in the grass, nor did she ever leave it, high up in the mountains, at the small station that was not mentioned in the timetable, where the train unexpectedly halted and where the little hotel whose name she could read so plainly, waited with its doors open.

11. 《木材》虽然没有看到什么森林,在火车站,还是有大量的木材等待运走。

Wood There are many woods need to be carried away at the railway station, though I didn't see any forest.

12. 我或许只在火车站等待并逗留一会儿。

I will probably just hang around the train station and wait.

13. 火车养护和等待都被忽略掉了,车间工人都被解雇了。

Care and waiting have been neglected, workshop staff laid off.

14. 我的迟到情有可原:市际火车发生故障,结果我们只得等待一个多小时更换火车。

There are extenuating circumstances why I was late; the intercity train broke down and we had to wait more than an hour for a replacement.

15. 现在,她正和一位工友一起打发时间,等待夜间火车进站。

Now she is killing time with a colleague, waiting for the night train.

16. 但是火车仍然在运行,民众自觉排成长队等待登车,一切井然有序。

But the trains were running, and the queue for them was orderly.

17. 地球是要到达这样一个小站了,许多人等待著魔幻的提升,认为火车已经到来。

Earth is about to arrive at one of those little stations, and so many awaiting a magic ascension, think the train will have arrived.

18. 等他们都登上火车之后,律师和工程师分别挤进不同的洗手间等待着列车员检票。

All board the train and the lawyers and engineers cram into separate bathrooms to await the conductor.

19. 哈里3年多以前来到这里,站在楼梯口等待9点05分到达的火车旅客。

Harry came in a little over three years ago and waited at the head of the stairs for the passengers from the9 ∶ 05 train.

20. 我们焦躁不安地在车厢里踱来踱去,诅咒火车的迟缓----等啊等,等待进站的那一刻。

How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes for loite***---waiting, waiting, waiting for the station.